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With the development of science and technology and the needs of the market, semiconductor/chemical plants/fabs are developing more and more rapidly. In the production process, such enterprises often leak media, affecting the safe and stable operation of enterprises, and losing materials. It also pollutes the environment. In severe cases, it also threatens the safety of production and personnel. The semiconductor/chemical plant/fab/clean room leak detection system is designed according to the specificity of the chemical industry. Pre-installed water immersion sensor, water leakage Or if the leaking acid-base sensor line leaks, the system will immediately notify the staff to find and deal with it at the first time to minimize losses and damage.

The semiconductor/chemical plant/fab/cleanroom leak detection system mainly monitors water leakage in areas such as acid-base pipelines, wastewater pipelines, large storage tanks, wastewater treatment stations, air conditioners, etc., in the event of water leakage, acid leakage, and alkali leakage. It can detect and notify the staff in time and accurately through the monitoring system; at the same time, it can link the drainage of drainage equipment, such as the solenoid valve switch that connects the water inlet and outlet pipes; if the hidden danger of water leakage is widely distributed, it can also be positioned to monitor the specific leakage. Location, in order to quickly find the leak point, deal with it in time to avoid huge losses.
Potential hazards of semiconductor/chemical plant/fab/clean room leakage
1. Corrosion leakage of acid-base conveying pipeline
        2. Corrosion and leakage of large storage tanks in the plant area
3. Leakage occurred at the plant wastewater treatment station
4. Water leakage in the air conditioning system in the workshop
Necessity of semiconductor/chemical plant/fab/clean room leak detection
On the one hand, the chemical plant production line has special characteristics. There are many pipelines in the workshop. Once the pipeline leaks and cannot be disposed of in time, the production line will be stopped. Due to the corrosiveness of the liquid in the pipeline, the leakage may also threaten the safety of the staff. There is a large storage tank warehouse. Once the storage tank is corroded and leaked, it will cause great harm to the environment. On the other hand, according to the national regulations such as “Safety Prevention Engineering Procedures and Requirements”, each chemical plant shall be equipped with environmental monitoring equipment as required. To prevent environmental pollution caused by leakage accidents in chemical plants, the main responsibility of the acid-base leakage detection system is to monitor whether the acid-base transportation pipeline of the chemical plant leaks. In the event of liquid leakage, the acid-base detection system will sound through external equipment. Light alarms, SMS alarms, etc. inform the on-duty personnel to detect leaks in time to avoid incalculable losses.
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